
When the community needs a helping hand, we know how to step up and show up. Over the past 12 years, we have volunteered in numerous capacities. Our primary consistent areas where we are recognized include, the annual holiday toy drive, thanksgiving family bundle drive and the Unity in the Community 5k Walk/Run. Other ways we have helped our children help others include, but not limited to:
HandsOn Central Ohio serving meals to the elderly, Reading in classrooms at schools, Field Day assistance at Berwick and Groveport community schools, Trash pick up and clean up at Columbus Parks & Recreation sites, YWCA Family Shelter holiday toy give away, Countless coat and food drives for area businesses, Breast Cancer Awareness and fundraising projects and the list goes on and on.
Unity in the community

2021 was a big year for the nationwide recognition of Juneteenth. Primarily because for the first time in history, Juneteenth became recognized as a national federal holiday in the United States. Secondarily, in 2021 it became the inaugural 5k in collaboration with the City of Reynoldsburg Juneteenth celebration. Juneteenth is a celebration to reflect the "real end of slavery" and to honor the culture and achievements of African Americans. We used the celebration to support UNITY of all people by coming together in the form of a 5k walk/run for all age groups. 2021 produced a number of virtual participants. 2022 will provide a virtual aspect, but we anticipate a very large turn out in person. If you are looking for a way to demonstrate unity in the community, consider supporting the UNITY in the Community 5k on June 18, 2022. Updates are provided on the Columbus ICE website or Facebook page.

Thanksgiving Giveaway
Thanksgiving is a time of family traditions, food, sharing and caring. For those in need, we especially want to do our part to insure that no one goes without. Though a partnership with Giggles & Coos and the Jerry Saunders Foundation, we hand deliver food bundles to feed over 300 households just in time for thanksgiving. These bundles include a turkey and all the sides and dessert for a traditional thanksgiving meal that a family can prepare in their own home with their loved ones. Bundles are passed out on a first come first serve basis. No one has ever left empty handed. Updates are provided on the Columbus ICE website or Facebook page.

Holiday Toy Giveaway

What brings more joy to the heart of a child than the wonderment of the holidays. The beautiful colors, the decorations, the surprises, family traditions and of course the spreading of abundance and love are all what makes the holidays such a special time for many. Since 2013, we have enjoyed the role we play in spreading holiday cheer for little ones less fortunate in Central Ohio. H4k started as volunteers and turned into collaborators with Giggles and Coos and Toys for Tots to provide one of the largest toy drives in Central Ohio serving thousands of households with toys, stocking stuffers, clothing and holiday treats including a visit from Kris Kringle himself. Rather on the giving or receiving end, this is an annual event you don't want to miss!. Updates are provided on the Columbus ICE website or Facebook page.