Why Tutoring Is Important?
1. Tutoring Increases The Grades
When children get one on one attention from someone who knows what they’re talking about. There is no doubt that they will do better in school. What may seem like an impossible task to many students becomes achievable when directed by someone who wants them to succeed.
2. Tutoring Provides Quality Time
Time is essential when it comes to your children. Tutoring is an opportunity for them to be with their tutor and feel comfortable enough to talk about the things that interest them or frustrate them without feeling inhibited. The time they spend with their tutor discussing their likes and dislikes will help them relieves stress. They feel relaxed and do even more hard work to achieve their goals. Every student needs this kind of time when they can leave study aside and discuss the problems which are bothering them.
3. Tutoring Helps A Child Develop New Skills
Tutors can also teach your child how to cook, play an instrument, or fix things that might break around the house. You will be amazed at what kinds of skills your child can learn by spending time with a tutor who knows how to get down to their level and communicate effectively.
4. Tutoring Is The Best Option For Parents
Those parents who can’t seem to find the time to help their children with their school work. That’s why tutoring is the best option for busy parents because there are times when kids need personal attention. They don’t want to wait months until their parent has more free time to help them. There is nothing better than knowing that child is in good hands. A child is with someone who knows what they’re doing and cares about helping them succeed.
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Content Areas:
Math: a child can use their knowledge of the concept to solve unfamiliar word problems, and undertake complex reasoning, using the appropriate mathematical vocabulary.
Elementary Grade Level (Math)
Kindergarten: counting and place value; addition and subtraction; measurement and geometry.
1st grade: place value, addition & subtraction; measurement, data & geometry
2nd grade: add & subtract within 20; place value; add & subtract within 100; add & subtract within 1,000; money & time; measurement; data; geometry.
3rd grade: Into to multiplication; 1-digit multiplication; addition, subtraction & estimation; intro to division; understand fractions; equivalent fractions & comparing fractions; arithmetic patterns & problem solving; quadrilaterals; area; perimeter; time; measurement & represent & interpret data.
4th grade: place value; addition, subtraction & estimation; multiply by 1-digit & 2-digit numbers; division; factors, multiples & patterns; equivalent fractions & comparing fractions; add & subtract fractions; multiply fractions; understand decimals; plane figures; measuring angles; area & perimeter; units of measurement.
5th grade: decimal place value; add & subtract decimals; multi-digit multiplication & division; multiply & divide fractions; multiply & divide decimals; powers of ten; volume; coordinate plane; algebraic thinking; converting units of measure; line plots; properties of shapes.
Middle School (Math)
6th grade: ratios; arithmetic with rational numbers; rates & percentages; exponents & order of operations; negative numbers; variables & expressions; equations & inequalities; plane figures; coordinate plane; 3D figures; data & statistics.
7th grade: negative numbers: addition & subtraction; negative numbers: multiplication & division; fractions, decimals & percentages; rates & proportional relationships; expressions, equations & inequalities; geometry; statistics & probability.
8th grade: numbers & operations; solving equations with one unknown; linear equations & functions; systems of equations; geometry transformations; data & modeling.
ELA (English Language Arts): Elementary grade level focus on basic reading, writing and linguistic / communication skills; while middle grade focus on reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and visual representation.
Elementary Grade Level (English Language Arts)
Kindergarten: Writing Skills: develop writing skills, they should actively engage in group and individual writing activities, where the focus is on helping them understand writing and drawing as a means for communication with others and as an important tool to support their own thinking and learning. Students should be exposed to and prompted to produce texts for a range of purposes (to entertain, to explain, to persuade) as they dictate, draw to convey meaning, and make early attempts at producing letters, words, and letter strings.
Comprehension and Collaboration (participate in conversations & develop questions)
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas (describe, express & create)
Middle School (English Language Arts)
1st- 5th Grades: Reading- Key Ideas & details; Craft & Structure; Integration of Knowledge & ideas.
Writing: Comprehension & Collaboration; presentation of Knowledge & Ideas. Research to Build and Present Knowledge (grades 2-5)
Speaking: Knowledge of language; Vocabulary Acquisition & Use
6th-7th Grades: Reading: Key Ideas and Details; Craft and Structure; Integration of Knowledge and Ideas;
Writing: Research to Build and Present Knowledge
Speaking & Listening: Comprehension and Collaboration; Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas;